The Monroe County PWC’s monthly meeting will be held at the Monroe County Justice Center’s training room and virtually on Wednesday, Jan 20, 2020, at 9:30 a.m. Please see below for Zoom information to join us virtually. You will need to contact us for the passcode.
We are pleased to announce our guest speaker will be Susan Miller who will speak about updated data resources, now available on the Tennessee Department of Health’s website, including: the 2019 Tennessee Drug Overdose Deaths report and accompanying ready-to-use PowerPoint slides, recent Monthly Emergency Department Drug Overdose reports, and an infographic describing the Increase in Tennessee Drug Overdoses During COVID-19. Additionally, participants will be able to navigate the new, enhanced Tennessee Drug Overdose Data Dashboard. This interactive tool contains state, regional, and county-level data on fatal overdoses, non-fatal overdoses, and drug prescribing.
In March 2020, Susan Miller joined the Tennessee Department of Health’s (TDH) Opioid Response Coordinating Office. Prior to this position, she served as an epidemiologist for TDH’s Office of Informatics & Analytics. Susan has eighteen years of public health experience in Tennessee that included working outbreaks with the FoodCORE team and serving as the Women’s Health Director for Governor Bredesen’s Office of Children’s Care Coordination. Susan scratched the surface of her public health career in 2000 when she served as a summer employee in the Louisville, Kentucky Metro Public Health Department collecting and counting mosquitoes. Susan earned a Master of Science in Health Promotion from Purdue University, Indiana.
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